Prof. Dr. Omar Jesus Pereira/UFC | Lattes
Graduated in Agronomy by the Universidade Federal do Ceará (1962), with master’s degree in Soil Conservation by the University of Arizona (1970) and a master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering by the University of Arizona (1976). Currently is a retired professor of the Universidade Federal do Ceará, acting as an invited professor in PELD research project. Has experience in the area of Agronomy, qith enphasis in Technology Transfer, acting mainly in the following topics: rural extension, irrigation, organic fertilization, hydric stress and metric potential.
E-mail: omar_702008@hotmail.com

Francisco Éden Rocha Dantas | Lattes
Graduated in Agronomy by the Universidade Federal do Ceará (1983), with master’s in Aviculture by the Universidade Estadual do Ceará (2006). Has experience in the area of Agronomy, with enphasis in rural extension, acting mainly in the following topics: country hen, country chicken TODO: CHECAR ESSA TRADUÇÃO and semi confined raising, sapling production, composting and vermin composting, organic kitchen garden implantation and medicinal plants.
E-mail:edendantas@uol.com.br | denrocha@msn.com