This work is associated to the research “Model for participative adaptation in the sustainable exploration of the natural resources (soil/water/vegetation) of the semiarid” which aims to develop multidisciplinary studies that permit the creation of a new adaptation model to the semiarid that is done in a participative way, having as it’s support existing iterations of the available resources (soil, water and vegetation). Also, this work aims to promote an improvement to the quality of life and the development of a consciousness in our small rural communities to the need for management and conservation of the soil, water and vegetation resources of the semiarid with views of obtaining a higher availability of water and the preservation of the region’s biodiversity. The activities developed include:

    • Formation of a multidisciplinary data network (water/soil/solar radiation/nutrients/carbon) about the northeastern semiarid region of Brazil;
    • Development of a “list” of actions that affect the water sources used by the communities as well as subsidize strategies for restoration and environmental conservation;
    • Promote in the communities a consciousness of the need for proper management of their available water sources like reservoirs, cisterns, wells and others;
    • Promote among the young the need to adopt a new model in search of the conservation and recuperation of the soil, water and vegetation resources;
    • Workshops in the communities in order to train them in the monitoring of water quality and the conservation of the soil and water resources.