Antonio Givanilson Rodrigues da Silva | Lattes
Undergrad student in Agronomy by the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Has experience in the field of Agronomy with emphasis in Watershed Management.
E-mail: givanilsonrodrigues20@gmail.com
Researchgate – clique aqui
Úrsula Barroso Prado | Lattes
Undergrad student in Agronomy by the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Is currently a Scientific Initiation scholarship holder given by CNPq. Has experience in the field of Agronomy with emphasis in renewable energies for the semiarid and soil management in the Caatinga.
E-mail: ursulabprado05@gmail.com
Valeria Severo de Noronha | Lattes
Undergrad student in the Agronomical Engineering course; is currently a Scientific Initiation scholarship holder given by CNPq, acting in the field of research concerning hydric resources quality in the research group Manejo de Água e Solo no Semiárido.
E-mail: ursulabprado05@gmail.com
Nicole Sarah Carvalho Ponte | Lattes
Undergraduate student in the Agronomical Engineering course, holder of a Scientific Initiation scholarship, acting in the area of water quality in the research and extension group Manejo de Água e Solo no Semiárido – MASSA.
E-mail: nicolle.ncsp@hotmail.com